The Greene School middle school science curriculum is the bridge between elementary concepts and the more in-depth concepts of a high school curriculum.
Throughout middle school, students study:
Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
Life Science
The physical science curriculum includes two components: chemistry and physics. The chemistry topics include the study of the structure and behavior of matter; transformations of matter, such as phase change, dissolution, and reaction; elements; atomic structure; molecules; compounds; energy transfers; and chemical interactions. The physics topics include the study of energy and the different forms it can take; how forces work to change energy from one form to another; how machines reduce the effort force needed to do work; how forces change the motion of objects; electromagnetic force; waves; gravity; and kinetic energy.
Earth and space science topics include energy conservation and natural resources, weather and water, earth history, the rock cycle, earthquakes, volcanism, seasons, moon phases, eclipses, the energy of the sun, and planetary science.
The life science topics that are covered in middle school include diversity of life; reproductive biology and life cycles; human systems interaction; cell division; plant reproduction; population dynamics; specific populations and ecosystems and the interactions within; food webs and energy pyramids; natural selection; heredity and adaptation; and an exploration of microscopic organisms.
Seventh/Eighth Grade Science Units Include:
Heredity and Adaptation
Electromagnetic Force
Gravity and Kinetic Energy
Planetary Science
Chemical Interactions
Earth History
Population and Ecosystems