Core Curriculm

Enrichment Curriculum
The Greene School art program equips students with the ability to reach outside their comfort zones and become successful beyond the realm of art. Having the confidence to take risks in the art room translates to confidence in ideas and risk-taking in other subject areas. Students carry that persistence and feeling of accomplishment to other subject areas. In art class, the students focus on engaging in creative habits while using new media and art techniques.
All students have the opportunity to share their work at the annual Art Showcase.
Computer science at The Greene School teaches students design, logical reasoning, coding, and problem-solving. Students gain exposure to various technologies in our Maker Space, including: 3D printers, robotic systems, mobile application development, website design, and digital fluency. Our computer science program provides skills for students to succeed in their future endeavors in an increasingly complex world.
Students begin by building and programming simple robotic systems. As they become familiar with the basic concepts, they tinker with components like sensors and increase the complexity of the programming concepts. Some students will even initiate their own projects, as their imaginations are primed by their increasing understanding of how their robots work and how they can control them. Students in fourth through eighth grade are eligible to participate in the First Lego League.
The Greene School dance program provides a kinesthetically-enriched and interdisciplinary curriculum that strengthens the entire educational experience for all students. Dance plays an integral role in the development of a well-rounded student, while also enhancing the learning in other subject areas. Participation in the dance program aids in teaching important life skills while instilling an appreciation for the arts.
Each student participates in the annual dance concert performance.
The Greene School drama program provides students the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of theatrical lenses. The actor’s toolbox (body, voice, and imagination) is explored through storytelling, movement, scene study, and more! Skills in drama provide empathy, spatial reasoning, ease in public presentation, and self-confidence. The performing arts offers students an opportunity for self-exploration and team building, as each grade forms a unified ensemble.
An audition based musical theater after-school program is offered to students in third through seventh grade. The after-school program culminates in a full scale production.
Hands-on, project-based learning is the essence of The Greene School engineering program, with an emphasis on making S.T.E.A.M. connections across disciplines. The engineering curriculum promotes students’ application of existing knowledge in mathematics and science, and as a result, their overall learning is enhanced. Engineering projects are derived from real-world technologies and problems, allowing students to discover the relevance of math and science in their daily lives. The program builds on students’ natural problem-solving skills to promote critical thinking via tinkering in our Maker Space. Students gain exposure to robotic systems, various engineering methodologies, and the metrics contributing to the success and failure of projects. Students have the ability to design and rapid prototype their projects via use of the 3D printers. Real-world problems and applications are addressed.
The Greene School entrepreneur program is an elective class offered once a week for 45 minutes. Students will develop their ideas into successful businesses through needs assessments, guest speakers, start-up business visits, and lessons including the role of the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship as a career, ethics in business, and the principles of marketing, financing, and managing a business.
Students will learn:
Why a business plan is necessary.
How to write an effective business plan.
How to pitch a plan to investors.
What investors expect to see in the plan.
The most effective research tools available.
Fundamental concepts for creating an impactful marketing plan.
Sales methodologies and how to project sales revenues.
Techniques and tools to gain investor attention from family and friends, crowdsourcing, the Small Business Administration, and institutional funding.
The year will culminate in a “Shark Tank” presentation wherein students will present their ideas in front of parents, community members, and investors.
As part of The Greene School curriculum, all students are required to participate in Mindfulness, one period per week, for 20 minutes. All teachers and staff also attend each mindfulness class with the students to allow the lessons to be continued in the classroom throughout the week. Throughout the year, students are introduced to a wide variety of topics and techniques with the monthly character trait acting as the overarching theme throughout the lesson including Mindful Bodies, Mindful Listening, Mindful Breathing, Heartfulness, Kindness, Mindful Jars, Mindful Eyes, Please and Thank You, Generosity, Giving, Mindful Thoughts, Mindful Emotions, Mindful Eating, Gratitude, Integrity, Patience, Compassion, Commitment, Humility, Joyfulness, and Kindness.
The music program at The Greene School invites students to explore their own creative expression while making connections to the rest of the world. Students learn to listen with a critical ear to the many components of a piece, including its form, instrumentation, timbre, mood, meaning, and intention. The curriculum focuses on the development of music literacy skills, and puts those skills to use in both compositional and performance projects. Students are encouraged to be expressive in their performances, and to use music as a means of communication.
Through the study of history, acoustics, world music, music technologies, and careers in music, students develop a strong understanding of the ways in which music weaves itself throughout all of our lives. Music allows students to feel connected to humanity while understanding the world in greater context. Studying music enhances the education of the whole child, while providing the opportunity for higher order thinking and engaging the whole brain.
Each student participates in the annual music concert performance.
The Greene School physical education curriculum is designed to provide an environment that challenges all students to work to their potential. Students are given the opportunity to learn skills without intimidation and to experience the joy and exhilaration of physical activity. This philosophy drives our program and we hope that all students learn to enjoy movement, and healthful living.
Our program focuses on the whole person by promoting:
Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge
Personal Development
Social Development
Our physical education program aims to encourage and enable students to:
Use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts.
Participate effectively in a variety of contexts.
Understand the value of physical activity.
Achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Collaborate and communicate effectively.
Build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility.
Reflect on their learning experiences.
The Greene School speech and debate program consists of a required weekly class for sixth through eighth grades, and an additional elective competition class offered once a week. Speech and debate classes help students gain confidence and public speaking skills necessary for communication and presentations in high school and beyond. Skills developed include: organization of material, voice control, audience contact, expressive voice and gestures, and the use of visuals to make a speech or debate more effective.
Students will learn how to write, organize, prepare, and deliver quality public speeches.
Students will learn how to actively persuade, inspire, inform, and engage an audience through the art of public speaking.
Students will learn the fundamentals of public communication.
Students will learn how to prepare speeches and speak articulately.
Students will learn to think quickly and speak with little preparation.
Students will learn how to argue their points effectively through debate.
Students will learn effective techniques and strategies for Congressional and Public Forum debates.
Debate students will have multiple opportunities throughout the school year to attend and compete against other debate students in speech tournaments. In addition to Congressional and Public Forum debate, competition students will learn and practice the following individual events:
Original Oratory
Dramatic Performance
Duo Interpretation
Oral Interpretation
Life is about breath and balance. The Greene School yoga program plays an important role in the overall development and learning potential of students, while providing skills that support the learning taking place in other subjects.
Through participation in the yoga curriculum, students learn techniques that promote strength, coordination, flexibility, and balance. An emphasis is placed on gratefulness and incorporating it into everyday life. Breathing, relaxation, and meditation skills also build focus while promoting self-control, self-esteem, self-confidence, and overall body awareness.