Growing with Greene
The Greene School sets the standard for personalized academic education in South Florida. Drawing teachers, counselors, and staff from top secondary schools in the northeast and west coast, The Greene School has established itself as the premier, secular private academy in Palm Beach County since 2016.
Our High School will offer a diverse curriculum that entices students to challenge themselves combined with extracurricular activities that broaden students’ horizons and build valuable experiences for the future. The Greene School prepares students to navigate a dynamic world by capturing their imagination, engaging their intellect, inspiring their creativity, and advancing their many talents.
Become a member of The Greene School!
Click here for information on the admissions process, scholarship opportunities, and financial aid.
Contact the admissions office at 561-293-2888 to schedule a private tour.
Schedule Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Assessment.
AP Based 24 Credit Program
Core academics are designed to provide a range of college preparatory experiences through AP.
Passion Pathways Project
A unique capstone project including real world experiences in an area of specialization.
What do you love?
What do you do well?
What does the world need?
What value can you add?
Next Generation Courses
A series of TGS specific cross disciplinary or extra departmental courses that emphasize creativity and lateral thinking.
Think - Bioethics or Social Innovation.
2023-2024: Aerospace Program
AI and Data Science
A common thread of artificial intelligence, statistical modeling, and coding through our Mathematics Program.
Unique to our school, leveraging special skills in our Mathematics Faculty.
College Counseling
The Greene School college counseling program will be offered to all students in ninth through twelfth grades. A dedicated full-time college counselor will support High School students and their families as they navigate the complexities of the college search and application process. The program is designed by a veteran college counselor who will partner with each student to showcase his or her specific strengths and passions.
College counseling is integrated into the PCM Seminar curriculum at each grade level. Several programs and events provide opportunities for students and families to interact with college admission officers and learn about various topics associated with college admission. Regular one-on-one meetings in the junior and senior years enable students to engage in a holistic process as they curate a college list geared toward their personal strengths and interests.

Fall Sports
Cross Country (Boys’ and Girls’)
Golf (Boys’ and Girls’)
Volleyball (Girls’)
Sailing (Boys’ and Girls’)
Winter Sports
Basketball (Boys’ and Girls’)
Soccer (Boys’)
Sailing (Boys’ and Girls’)
Flag Football (Girls’)
Tennis (Boys’ and Girls’)
Track & Field (Boys’ and Girls’)
Volleyball (Boys’)
Sailing (Boys’ and Girls’)